Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saturday, April 14

Today has been fairly quiet but with two beneficial meetings.

At 10 am, Rita and I went to meet Professor Sophia Pincemin of the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. We discussed the possibility of a joint event enabling UNACH students to interact with LASOM students, possibly for the event Rita is planning for this Friday, April 20, with a guest speaker from Tuxtla Gutierrez presenting a talk on the discourses of Subcomandante Marcos. Professor Pincemin has also done considerable research on the classic Maya mural paintings of Bonampak, and we hope to arrange an event event for her to present the results to LASOM students and faculty.

At 4 pm, Brent and I went to the Casa de Cacao to arrange an event for his agriculture class, to which all LASOM participants are invited, that will take place on Wednesday, April 18. This will be a presentaiton and lunch sponsored by Brent's department.

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