More of the same today. Lots of work. Rita went to her Buddhist lecture and meditation session, which she loves. Then we walked to Chedraui to buy two big coolers for the trip. One for each sprinter. This should please Bill.
Tonight we were invited to dinner by Alica's mom Sarah and her roommates, Alica, Peggy, and James. The young'uns did most of the cooking and it was great. Rita also brought some of her mussaka which was also great.
Then we watched the movie Chac, which I remembered from the 70s as being very beautiful except for the hoky rituals and over-romanticized ending. It's about a Maya community seeking the help of a priest with ancient knowledge to bring the rain. It was jarring to me to see highland Chiapas Maya talking of Yucatec deities and performing a Yucatec ceremony because it was recorded by anthropologists in the mid 20th century. But otherwise it was even more beautiful than I remembered it. The star, playing the priest, was the father of our landlord, from the community of Tenejapa just east of her. I think he was chosen partly because he has the ideal Maya profile famous from the ancient carvings. And the camera kept focusing on his profile. But all the actors appear to have been Tzeltal from Tenejapa and they spoke Tzeltal. That is, except for when they encountered the Lacandons (naturally) in order to get the sacred water for the rain ceremony. Then the main actor's voice was dubbed in by someone speaking Lacandon/Yucatec as the Lacandones did.
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