Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 9

In class today we looked at architectural backdrops for classic Maya ceremonies designed to renew time and the Maize. Then I spent a long time explaining some of the basic syntax of Maya hieroglyphic writing. Students found it interesting but overwhelming, even though I carefully colour-coded all the drawings of the text to show the different grammatical parts of the clauses!

After class, Peggy and I went to the human rights centre known best by its nickname of Fray Bart (freyba in Spanish) to ask them to send Bill a letter confirming that they are willing to receive any antibiotics he can bring and to distribute them to Indigenous communities. They seemed happy to do it.

Then it was shopping and work time, while Rita cooked for a pot luck supper at Marellas which I didn't plan to attend, so I could get some work done. The plan was also to show two movies, so James came over to pick up the data projector. It turns out that there was only time and energy for one movie, the Cuban film Fresas y Chocolate (Strawberries and Chocolate) which I had seen on TV several years ago, another reason to stay home and work. But when it was over, I took a break and joined some of the students for a drink at their apartment, which was great fun. I brought over the music sung by Susana Harp, Oaxacan, who sings in Spanish, Zapotec, and Mixtec. We had heard one of the same Zapotec songs sung at the Women's Day rally the night before.

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