Absolutely nothing to report today. I spent the day at home working, except for going to the market to buy a load of fruits and vegetables. Got guavas for the first time: the king of fruit. On the way back from the market I ducked into a souvenir store opposite Santo Domingo and found a whole rack of cards by an artist I'm beginning to recognize. She is Beatriz Aurora, a Chilean born resident of Mexico, and politically active. She uses many of the same motifs found in Zapatista mural art but in a popularized and perhaps overly-happy manner. Above is one of the cards I had bought previously, famous as the poster made for the 2001 March of the Colours of the Earth.
Rita went on a long walk for much of the afternoon and came back beaming. She also came back with a half kilo of tortillas for me, bless her heart. That was most of my supper. Never got to cooking the vegetables.
Rita then went out to a theatre performance. Meanwhile I'm spending my time working on lectures and listening to some of my favourite music (operas by Philip Glass, of course). If I can keep this up, I may even manage to pull my courses together for this term!!
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