This afternoon Rita and I went out to CIESAS university campus a few kilometers outside of San Cristobal. We met for a few hours with Maria Elena Martinez Torres and discussed the possibility of an accord with the LASOM program for shared students, speakers, and classroom space. When Bill French and I visited CIESAS this summer we felt it was too far outside of town to expect students to commute. However, they have no dormitories so all their students commute. It would be great for a morning jog. And one could pile up classes on alternate days. The university is directed towards social sciences and especially social anthropology, which is very much in line with the coursework we are offering, but also fills in some of their gaps. They were thus especially interested in Rita's expertise in the literature of the region.
We decided to walk back, and instead of taking the direct entrance into town, went along the periférico to buy fruits and vegetables for the evening. The day was gorgeous so the walk was stupendous.
Tonight was a farewell gathering for Max. We are all really sorry to see him leave. His presence here for three weeks was transformative!
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