Today began (more or less) with Max's class and a very discussion of two readings that both dealt with the issue of populism in Latin America and whether the term is still relevant. The liveliness of the discussion showed us that it is still a good way to discuss some processes, tendencies, and events. Put the point was also made (by Marella) that populism tends to be a label that detractors put on particular political movements, and is thus used more to critique. Chavez is the regular whipping boy of the "anti-populists." How does he refer to himself, then?
After class Max and I headed across town to the CIEPAC office. They appear interested in doing a presentation for our class. They suggested topics such as PROCEDE, La Otra Campaña, or how neo-liberalism affects campesinos in this region.
I headed then to the market to buy things for tonight's pot-luck, including some plastic plates and containers, a worthwhile investment. Meanwhile Rita was tracking down a Maya workshop of leñateros and arranging a class visit for tomorrow (tune in then for a blogreport).
The pot-luck hosted by Alica, Sarah (also known as Alica's Mom), Karyn, Heather, Marella and Andrés, was great fun and involved great food (and good wine). Most of the action was either in the arrangement of couches and chairs around a coffee table at one end of a cavernous living room, or on the two balconies (smoking and non-smoking). The evening ended with a bit of salsa dancing, of which Andrés is a master! A good time was had by all. In fact, we should make this a regular event!
On the way home Rita and I exchanged opinions that we are pleased with this LASOM group way beyond our wildest expectations. This is going to be the LASOM to beat!
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