Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday, January 23

I'm continuing to learn more about the city. The landlord has been very helpful. He directed me to a nearby laundry (10 pesos per kilo) and to the big mall on the edge of town (I needed more pillows).

I visited the Instituto Jovel and had a long talk with the acting director, Reginaldo. The classroom is very beautiful and airy, on the second story and with great views, but smallish.

I'm also making inquiries concerning our day trips and will soon start on the mega-fieldtrip. Over the next few days I will also try to take an advance look at Maya communities around here, starting with the easy-to-reach Zinacantan and Chamula. I would also like to see about day trips to San Andres and its weaving cooperative, and to Amatenango, regionally famous for pottery. Reginaldo has agreed to make inquiries about how we might see weavers and potters at work and converse with them.

Then it was back to my vegetarian restaurant and "home" for the evening.

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