Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday, January 26

My main accomplishment today was to set up a bank account, after gathering three references and signing my inheritance away. Now I have to get our program money down here and start setting up the hotel reservations for the 'grand tour.'

Tina and Lisane came over for a visit. They found a very nice and reasonable apartment and seem excited and content to be here and explore. Peggy sent me a note that she has an apartment now as well. Didn't hear from Ewan today but everyone else that I know of who is here has settled on digs.

Going back to the same restaurant every night, making regular choices, and leaving tips, means I got special treatment at Casa del Pan this evening: guacamole (vegetarian) with my bread! Ahh, the satisfaction.

Before supper I explored the market, which is cavernous. Bought some ocote spikes so I'm hoping for a fire tonight to chase away the chill.

I'm reading a wonderful book on the politial situation here. It's called Mayan Visions, written by June Nash, an octegenarian anthropologist who has a house in town. I'm waiting for a reply as I asked to come over and meet her. She also earlier (last fall) expressed a willingness to speak to the group. That would be a treat.

Everybody in Lasom please keep Sunday, February 4 free as I have an excursion planned (non academic).

Finally, Lasomers, I really appreciate your stopping in when you arrive. Then I get a chance to get to know you in ones and twos instead over overwhelming dozens.

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