Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday, January 28

Last night I was finally successful in getting a fire started in the fireplace in my bedroom. I was anticipating a warm sleep for a change but hadn’t fully considered the logistics of fireplace burning. Closing my bedroom door to keep in the heat also prevented fresh air from coming in and smoked up the bedroom. So I had to open the door which cooled it off a good deal. Still it was exciting and cheery and I ended up staying awake till 3 am watching the fire. Too bad I woke up at 6. Spent the day pretty sleepy.

This morning after finishing writing up my lecture on Copán, I took my morning constitutional climbing the hill to the San Cristobal sanctuary again. Does wonders to warm up the body. The climb was more interesting today. There were 6 young men camping on one of the landings, with two tents. Farther up, a man was letting his sheep graze at the side. Another was feeding his pig out of a bucket. Prettiest pig I’ve ever seen, with rust-coloured furry coat. I’d feed him too. Streets were still pretty deserted on the way back, due to Sunday morning ritual I guess.

Julie stopped over around midday. She arrived last night and is very happy with the homestay into which Instituto Jovel has placed her. It is near the Instituto and even has internet! I’m happy to note that she is also a big fan of Philip Glass’ music. And we also both love Andean Huaynos.

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